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Purple Stone Pendant Green And Black Stone Pendant

Stone Pendant

This piece is currently on hold at this time.

This unique pendant necklace uses stone donuts in a new way! No more beading around the stone. The stone donut will face forward without any armature to support it--just beads and thread!

The focus of this class is to look at the same materials we always use. Seed beads, thread, buttons, accent beads and a focal bead (in this case, a stone donut), and create something new. A new use, application or technique. . .to work outside-of-the-box as it were.

Beads and beading have physical properties, and how we apply certain techniques directly affects what the beads do--or not do! This project pays attention to the physics required to support and suspend a heavy stone donut, so that it will lay flat and hang facing forward without armature--just beads and thread! It is simple in appearance, yet requires a great deal of attention to a few specific points of construction.

This simple piece offers a new perspective on what to do with those plentiful donuts!

Green Stone Pendant  Green Stone Pendant - Side View


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